Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Social Network Water Cooler Effect

The Social Network Water Cooler Effect: Three Reasons Why Facebook and Twitter Might Save Television:

I know that there are some people out there just like me that tweet about something outrageous or funny that happens on television. Whether it is a new episode of 24, Teixiera hitting 3 home runs against Boston or Kanye West bashing Taylor Swift at the VMAs news spreads via social networking the quickest.
For those of you who do not know what the Water Cooler Effect is; it comes
from people gathering around the water cooler discussing certain topics that are newsworthy current events or office gossip interesting enough to start off conversations around the water cooler, hence the water cooler effect. I agree that most people did think that television would diminish over the next century but the use of Internet social networking has kept it stable. I think that I can add the use of mobile phones in here as well contributing to the use of networking to carry news at close to instantly. As long as these three means keep each other intertwined I think that TV will last for another decade. If I had to pick the strongest media out of the three it would definitely be the internet, second to that would be mobile and lastly television.
So when people realize that they do not need to watch a whole 4-hour Yankee game and can get live Twitter updates from their phone on-the-go, or watch the highlights on the Internet where does that leave television? With that said, from an advertising point of view, what would you invest your money in? If it was me I would pick digital over television. Even though some television show ratings are still holding strong, people are also still learning and easing their way into the social media presence, so only time will tell.


1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. I mean don't get me wrong, I can sit in front of the TV and watch a good Red Sox beating by the Yankees any day. The problem is finding the time. I'm always too busy to sit down and enjoy the game, but at the end of the day I know exactly what happened. I get live Twitter updates and I get the each score sent to my Phone.
    I was more than happy when Teixiera hit those 3 homeruns. I got the updates from Twitter and on my phone, even though I was also able to actually watch this game for once...
