Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More Americans Are Paying For Television?

This goes against an earlier post I had written. With sites such as HULU and TV networks such as FOX and ABC that provide free viewings of their television shows, wouldn't you think that the number would go down? Without the excpetion that the gain can be explained in part by the nation’s gradual population growth, with the economy how it is I would have never guessed the number to rise.

Walking away from this for alittle and thinking about it again the enduring popularity of television in a fragmented media marketplace might be the opposite of what I posted earlier in the "Social Network Water Cooler Effect" blog. What if people blogging, tweeting or posting from Facebook doesn't just inform people about what they may have missed on television but actually made them want to watch the show next time.

Again with these three uses of media I've come to the conclusion that using these together can work in each direction. TV can cause you to use the social media networking from your computer or phone and vise-versa, being on your social networks from your computer or phone can cause you to turn on the TV to see what someone is writing about if it sparks your interest.


  1. Television will never go away. Although there are sites that let you watch their shows on their webpage that is most likely used more by people who are working and dont have time to relax and watch their shows. Either way it is a good idea for sites to allow this because it keeps viewers interested even when they dont have time to sit and catch the show on tv.

  2. Interestingly, my best friend and my boyfriend are actually canceling their cable because it costs too much. Granted, they are just out of college and don't have the means to pay for the increasing charges for cable TV, but they don't really need it either because of HULU,,, and things like that has ever-evolving play by plays of baseball games. While I agree with Ralph that TV will never die, it is surprising that the numbers are rising and not falling. I personally wouldn't subscribe to more than basic cable for the news and weather at this point in my life.

  3. I personally rely on those websites to view all of my many shows. I do not have the luxury of having a DVR here at school and in some instances I prefer to watch it online so I could have complete full attention to it. And unfortunately some of my shows are aired at the same time, so I pick and choose which I need to watch online. I think it makes it more convenient for people who don't have DVR or time to tune in at the particular spot, and the reason I don't find it surprising that the numbers are rising is because people are still watching...just not from the exact network- because I'm pretty sure that they give permission to HULU to post their show.

  4. I am not sure if TV will ever go away, and if it does, I won't be surprised either. TVs are already becoming 3D and making themselves more convenient and unique for users. But I must say that I also catch certain shows and clips online now, instead of TV. Everything has already moved to the Internet, but I feel like TV should be kept separate because although it's still technology, it gives us a way of escaping from the hours we spent on our computers.
