Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New advertising traffic reports

Billboard traffic reports

I don't think there are any drivers out there that can say they don't mind traffic. Traffic is one of the most irratating situations to be in. When you step out of your home you are traveling to go somewhere, so majority of the time if you hit traffic it makes you late to your destination. I can only speak for myself when I say that I never remember or have the time to check traffic updates before I leave to go somewhere. At times when I am already in traffic I will go to an AM news station in hopes to find out why I'm stuck in the situation and hopefully find out that it will clear up in the near furture, although that is rarely the case.

With new technology, some billboards are now digital. With this advancement in billboards companies such at Clear Channel can now use a single board for more then one advertisement therefore reeling in much more money for that single billboard location. With the ability to change an ad within seconds this billboard can also be used to send out crucial information to travelers. Clear Channel has come up with the idea to broadcast traffic information on the billboards to travelers. This program will start in Chicago and be tested for a 13-week run on 19 billboards around the Chicago area. These billboards will feature traffic reports and regulary updated lottery information.

This new advertising development is great idea for Clear Channel. Clear Channel already provides traffic reports through their radio stations, internet, television and navigation systems so integrating this information on the billboards is no big deal at all. It's something that other companies have not thought of yet and could potentially be a great way for people to dodge traffic before finding it themselves. Although there could be some downfalls, for example getting on a highway and hitting traffic before seeing the billboard. Or people thinking that reading this information off a billboard could be distracting and cause accidents. But with that being said in my opinion, I think it's only beneficial. If they see the traffic news while already in traffic they would have been there anyway. So at the end of the day I do think this is a great idea and will hopefully help people out!


  1. I think that this is a great way to advertise their company because It portrays good character and quality for the company. It allows Clear Channel to connect with consumers on a more personal level, showing them that they care about their situation and feels the needs to try and help them out by giving the latest traffic updates. Although I agree that at times this can be distracting, for example if your driving on the highway and your not stuck in traffic yet but see one of these billboards, you are going to try and read it before you pass it so you know if you are going to be approaching traffic. However it can also be beneficial to them because the sign can lead them to a better alternate route, making it easier to get to their destination. This was a clever idea for Clear Channel and I am inetresested in seeing how it pans out.

  2. I think this is a very good idea. I never check traffic reports before leaving the house to go somewhere. I think with these billboards it will make the drivers more aware of the traffic alerts as well as advertise for Clear Channel at the same time. The only concern I have with it is getting distracted while driving and trying to read the billboard at the same time. It kind of is the same thing as texting while driving but I feel like if people don't want to look up and read about the traffic in the billboard then they don't have to. I think it is a smart and clever idea and I hope that I get to see it through.

  3. I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS!!! I had this idea about 2 years ago when they started to make the billboards digital. I love that somebody is finally doing something about it. I really don't think that those flaws will make a difference either. People can see the billboards when they get near the highway, even when they aren't on it. And billboards are already present in all but 3 states in the US, so a distraction wouldn't be a problem either. I can't wait until CT starts with this! Good job finding this!

  4. This is an awesome idea. I used to report Long Island traffic on WRHU Radio Hofstra University, as well as the other major NY Stations, and it would be infinitely easier to broadcast it on a billboard. Granted, I would have safety concerns in terms of drivers trying to read the billboard message while driving at highway speeds.

  5. This would be so much better of an idea than those light-boards that are updated once a month with traffic information! I do agree, however, with the points made about the traffic report being a distraction while in traffic. Maybe if it were done simply and without much "frill," it could be a little easier to read, a little less hazardous and a lot beneficial for people who spend time on the roads.
